Bible Code Software Online

  1. Online Bible Code
  2. Bible Code Software Download

Free Bible Software

  • is a free online service that allows you to search any block of text in almost any language for ELS codes. There's also a forum for discussing your finds.
  • The CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code Software comes complete with texts in English, Greek and Hebrew allowing searches in in any of those three languages. A full tutorial and comprehensive online help are included with the software. Take a quick look through a simple English example to see just how easy it is to use CodeFinder.

Bible Code Software What are the Bible Codes? Orthodox Jews believe that God dictated the Torah, (the first 5 books of the Bible), to Moses, letter by letter, and that encrypted in the text are a great multiplicity of past, present and future names and events.

Multiple translations, commentaries and more to aid you in studying the scriptures. Unicode support added for displaying foreign languages.

Program Overview

Online Bible Code

    • Find any scripture passage quickly by typing in the verse and selecting the translation you want.
    • 650,000 cross references that automatically display according to the verse being researched.
    • Quickly locate a word or phrase in any material using the built–in search feature.
  • Basic package now runs in Linux Ubuntu using WineHQ.

Latest News

Program Version
Version has now been released,
dated January 19, 2021.

  • Changes:
  • -Tabs added to floating windows.
  • -Autoformat note now has option to just reformat
  • -Check to make sure Greek ~..~ and Hebrew ^..^ format
    codes do not span a line.
  • -Add mapping for digits 0 through 9 into Unicode
  • -The Find and Replace sub-menus of the 'Editor' and the
    'Show Passage' form have been optimized.
  • -Fix display font for Hebrew Bibles to use Times New
  • -New user modules added thanks to Gary Gallant.

New! The Analytical Bible along with the accompanying Literal translation has now been released. more info..

Click here to view all the latest program changes.

Our 'The Wall' Page is dedicated to various content, including bible code discussions, testimonies, near death experiences, worship music and much more.

Hebrew is a divine tongue

Biblical Hebrew is a form of Aramaic, which was the spoken language of ancient Israel!

Join Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny as they witness the girls' celebrity-worship of ditzy, rich, sex-tape-making socialites and take part in an awesome anime battle with Professor Chaos. For them, it's all part of growing up in South Park! South park season 8 downloadwesternthis. In order to save South Park, Stan and Kyle have to find a way to destroy the ever-expanding Wall-Mart superstore while keeping Cartman from stabbing them in the back. In a South Park homage to the 1981 film, 'Heavy Metal', the boys are trying to get Kenny off the latest drug craze that's captured the junior high.

Encoded with DNA like information

Scientists have come to the conclusion that our DNA is a language, well Hebrew proves it.

The Hebrew AlephBet

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and all of them are consonants. Therefore, in standard written Hebrew, the vowels are implicit.

Bible Code Software Online

Right to Left

As a Semitic language, Hebrew is written from right to left. When reading a Hebrew book you will start from the side of the right cover, finishing your reading on the left.

Hebrew is the original language of the Bible. It has played a central role in the cultural history of the Jewish people for the past three millennia, and has had an important impact on Western culture. Ancient Hebrew names such as Jacob, Joseph, Sarah, and Mary, and old Hebrew words or concepts such as “amen,” “hallelujah,” “hosanna,” “Sabbath,” and “Messiah” have survived, resisting translation in many languages and cultures.

A new book entitled The Bible Code (Drosnin 1997) came out last June and has occupied the bestseller lists since then. It is written by journalist Michael Drosnin, who claims that the Hebrew Bible contains a very complex code that reveals events that took place thousands of years after the Bible was written. Drosnin contends that some foretold events later happened exactly as predicted.

The book has been reviewed widely and has stimulated pieces in Newsweek and Time. Drosnin has also been making the rounds of the talk-show circuit, including the Oprah Winfrey Show in June. Time said that Warner has reportedly bought the movie rights (Van Biema 1997).

Bible Code Software Download

Drosnin’s technique is heavily based on that of Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University in Israel, who published an article entitled “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis” in the journal Statistical Science (Witztum, Rips, and Rosenburg 1994). Like Rips, Drosnin arranges the 304,805 Hebrew letters of the Bible into a large array. Spaces and punctuation marks are omitted, and words are run together one after another. A computer looks for matches to selected names or words by stepping to every nth letter in the array. One can go forward or backward; and for each value of “step distance,” n, there are n different starting letters. Drosnin’s match for “Yitzhak Rabin” had a step value n equal to 4,772.

Both Rips and Drosnin work with the original Hebrew characters, which are said to have been given by God to Moses one character at a time, with no spaces or punctuation, just as they appear in “the code.” The code is considered to exist only in the Hebrew Bible and not in translations or any other books.”