Detect If A Folder Existsexplore Programming


The file is not hidden. In any case, 'show hidden files and folders' is already checked. I can run the file from explorer where it shows up, running it by itself is not the problem; it needs to run from an autohotkey script, where it is not found for some mysterious reason. I need a command simmilar to “IF EXIST” to check if a process, such as wmplayer.exe is running. Something like this. If exist wmplayer.exe (echo proccess running) else (echo proccess not running Can you think of anything?.I thought I was clos. Dj mixer professional software. Commands in spanish. Learn to detect if a computer has a specified COM port (COM1, COM2 etc) - returns True or False (Added: 10-Aug-2000).

Apr 24, 2006
Detect If A Folder Existsexplore ProgrammingC# check if folder existsC# check if folder exists

Check If Folder Exists

Dear Tech Support Guy,
I have searched the internet and while I have found problems related to this, I had a hard time finding the exact same problem or a solution.
I installed a legitimate program which allows me to generate custom maps for a game I have Europa Universalis III. As you can see, there are three folders in the 'Map Generator' folder.

However when I open the program and attempt to load a map I am able to view a folder which I can't view in Windows Explorer

I am able to use the program to load files from this invisible folder. It is very worrisome that I have a folder on my computer that Windows explorer will not show me. I am administrator and have set myself as the owner of the root folder and the 'Saved' folder in question. Under properties->Security I am listed as having all access except 'special permissions' which I can't select. Under permissions I am listed as having 'Full Control'.
Under the 'Auditing' tab it states it is unable to display the current owner. When I attempt to take ownership I get the following error.

I assume this folder exists, how can I view it in Windows Explorer? I would like access to the files.
On another note how do I ensure that this doesn't happen again? Why does windows allow files to be stored on my computer but not make them visible even to an admin? How would I detect and delete such a folder? This folder conatins ~100Mb of information but Windows won't show it's existence
I have tried to view hidden folder but it doesn't show up even then.
Please help. Thanks,