
Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.It can assist an organization, program, design, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realisable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim. Evaluate definition is - to determine or fix the value of. How to use evaluate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of evaluate.


Stacy Schulte, MHA, DGME Joseph J Sreenan, MD, DIO Mercy Health St. Rita’s in Lima, Ohio

Our institution started our first ACGME Accredited Family Medicine program in July of 2019, and Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine programs in July of 2020. In addition to these three programs, we have also integrated our longstanding Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Residency Program into MyEvaluations. Our team evaluated a variety of residency management systems after we achieved sponsoring institution status. Our team was impressed with the breadth and depth of the MyEvaluations product. After discussion with other residency programs within our health system, the decision was made to have MyEvaluations as the common platform used by all programs at Mercy Health. Our experience with Dr. Melamed and his support team over the past 18 months could not be better. The MyEvaluations team has been extremely responsive to all our questions and problems. Questions have been resolved quickly and efficiently, usually within 24 hours. Dr. Melamed has personally set up several webinars to walk our team through a variety of issues, as we sought to become more proficient in the software package. Additionally, based upon feedback from our residents and program coordinators, several improvements have been made to the software. MyEvaluations offers a complete residency management software package. The software package is complex, and Dr Melamed and his team go above and beyond in assisting customers in the proper use of the functionality of the software.

Ralph A. Martin, M.D., FACP University of Connecticut Residency Program

In 2002, when we were first choosing a vendor for internet based evaluations, you were extremely helpful in providing information about your services for scheduling and cataloging our Resident performance evaluations. We quickly learned we could rely on your answers regarding features, functionalities, and all other aspects of the service. We reviewed about seven similar services, and found that MyEvaluations.com met all of our needs, was quite user friendly, and very reasonably priced. The many functions of MyEvaluations.com have been extremely useful in managing our residency program. We can easily generate reports on overdue evaluations: the system automatically sends email reminders, and we can intervene directly when needed. Every six months, each Resident meets with a Faculty member to receive aggregate feedback on his/her performance. MyEvaluations.com’s “Summary Performance Evaluation Reports” and “Resident Comments Reports” provide very valuable formative feedback, and we used them routinely at those meetings. Your electronic database also makes it very easy for us to track required invasive procedures certification, and patient logs for our Residents. In fact, we set up a generic password so that nurses at any of the institutions and can check the invasive procedure certification status on a particular Resident 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Residents also fill out monthly evaluations of their rotations. We have found these summary reports very valuable in curriculum and program development. Overall we have been extremely pleased with MyEvaluations.com. Now a majority of the residencies and fellowships, as well as the medical school, at the University of Connecticut have subscribed to the same service. I would highly recommend it to any residency training programs.

Laurel K. Allen Manager, Graduate Medical Education Saint Joseph Hospital

During my nine years using MyEvaluations.com residency management software, I have been consistently impressed by their ability to proactively respond to the ever changing world of GME. Whether the changes are needed at a program level or at an institutional level, MyEvaluations takes customer feedback into consideration, collaborating with instead of dictating to the people who rely on their software. Case in point, MyEvaluations met the challenge presented by the ACGME Milestone requirements by designing a new Milestones module that works with existing evaluation forms. Because of this innovative approach, our Program Directors and Clinical Competency Committee members were able to spend the bulk of their reviewing Milestone results instead of shuffling through evaluations. Add to this mix an extremely skilled and receptive customer service team, the ability to reach them 24/7 and 365 days a year. Their top-notch support team has helped us as needed both on-line or on-site. We have also found their 3-day intensive seminars to be very useful in preparing the GME staff. MyEvaluations.com is a true innovator in the field of GME and it has been a pleasure working with these dedicated professionals.

Keith B. Armitage, M.D., University Hospitals of Cleveland

We are very pleased with the customer service from MyEvaluations.com. They typically respond to our email queries within a few hours, and have been very effective problem solvers for us. They are also responsive when we phone with questions.

MyEvaluations has been easy to use to develop customized evaluation tools and reports. We are able to create our own questions and use a very large variety of evaluation scales. We have created a portfolio of customized evaluations for our program.


MyEvaluations has a easy to use procedure documentation system, and we have been able to generate reports and procedure tracking. Trek bicycle serial number search.


Overall, we have found MyEvaluations very efficient and effective in managing our residency.


William B McIlvaine, MD, FRCPC, FAAP Texas Tech University Health Science Center

The latest version of MyEvaluations.com has many substantial improvements that will help us as the product reaches a wider audience here in El Paso at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center. The overall ease of use has increased for both my work as the Program Director and the faculty members. The system provides a straightforward interface for the residents as users and for the department staff as administrators. Blending these two different approaches to entering and collecting data is a challenge. The reporting function is much faster than before. I can prepare reports as needed when meeting with either faculty or residents. Even though we are more than a year away from the new accreditation system from the ACGME, and the rollout of the milestones, MyEvaluations.com is ready to help us meet those new needs. We are also developing a paperless system by using all the features of the software for the current residents. I know the software will provide a solid system for meeting the needs of the graduates as they move forward in their careers. Thanks for listening to the users and meeting our needs on every platform that we use from tablets, to pads to desktop systems.
Evaluations examples

Anonymous General Surgery Residency Program

I have actively utilized the MyEvaluations software as a management tool for the general surgery residency program for nearly three years and plan to utilize it in our new internal medicine residency program which starts in July 2013. Having reports at your fingertips makes it much easier to regularly monitor completion of evaluations and clinical hours.The automated weekly reminders are very effective in keeping the faculty and residents up to date on their evaluation assignments. I think that Dr. Melamed and his staff are constantly striving to make the program an effective tool to assist program managers and directors meet accreditation requirements.They are already ahead of the game in setting up a “milestones” module. I feel the client services and support staff have been very diligent is answering questions and resolving issues.

Diane Blahun, Admin. & Clinical Systems Coordinator University of Connecticut School of Medicine

As the Administrative & Clinical Systems Coordinator for Educational Assessment at the UCONN Health Center’s School of Medicine, my responsibility for the past nine years (since 2004) has been to support the MyEvaluations.com system for hundreds of our users among which are faculty, medical students, staff along with course directors, section leaders and various Deans. In working with Dr. David Melamed on my use of this sophisticated system, I am continually impressed by his consistent and exceedingly prompt, professional and amiable support in the use of this system. Turnaround time is extraordinary on whatever the request or question may be. New features on system have offered exemplary options of reporting and summarizing evaluations on our faculty, students, and residents, allowing us to select the perfect fit for our desired way of reporting sensitive and confidential data. In developing our reports, connectivity among our eleven departments on the system, allows the utmost of ease in capturing all necessary data across all disciplines and years within the School of Medicine. Reports appear inherently flawless with polished formats containing all required and desired elements. Dr. Melamed always amenable to whatever will make things work even better for our particular needs, continually develops new features and aspects on the system. Compliance features on system allow us in lightning speed time to assess the status of our compliance with specific evaluation guidelines. The application’s superb overall abilities and features along with Dr. Melamed’s exceptional presence, leadership, service, and support combine into a unique system on the cutting edge of the best to be found with the humanity and level of client service rarely found in an organization.

Anonymous State University Program

I have been using the software since 2003 to manage medical residents and students evaluations, clinical hours, conference attendance, and human resources information. MyEvaluations.com is very user friendly and is able to connect the resident and/or student account with all other resident accounts using MyEvaluations.com at our hospital and all the student clerkships so that you may assign a resident evaluation or student evaluation and an attending from another department may complete it. The student clerkships have been very successful in using the MyQuiz module. It is very helpful to have a database of questions to choose from and to be able to design your quiz the way you want to. You may even assign the day and time you want the students to take the quiz. Anytime a program director would like a special feature added, such as a download of evaluations into the Moodle program, the MyEvaluations.com staff will begin working on the new feature immediately and it is usually operational within a few days. I can personally say that I have always received immediate and personal attention for any issue or new ideas that need to be implemented. The MyEvaluations.com support staff, especially the CEO, Dr. David Melamed are always on available by email or phone to answer any questions. They are constantly updating and refining the program to better meet the needs of residency programs and medical schools. Dr. Melamed is always up to date with the changing regulations of both the ACGME for residency programs and the LCME for medical schools and is quick to suggest ways to better implement these changes.

Case Study: Three Year Follow-Up
Streamlining the Onboarding and Credentialing Process with MyEvaluations.com



The easy way for all members of your institution to anonymously report incidents with associated photos and videos.

To Thine Own Self Be Good, To Thine Own Self Be Sure, To Thine Own Self Be True, And To Thine Own Self Be Better


Case Study: MyQuiz™ Tool
Improves Resident Performance and Board Passing Rate

Evaluations Meaning

Case Study: NAS reporting for 120 residents
A Holistic Approach to Meeting Evolving Industry Reporting Standards

Case Study: Predicting Board Passing Rate
Rotation-Specific Quizzes Assigned by MyEvaluations.com® Predict Board Passing Rate

Mind the Gap: The Bumpy Transition..
by Doug Franzen, MD, MEd Amanda Kost, MD Christopher Knight, MD
A reviewing of the transition from UME to GME, and the student transition.

Case Study: Managing Med/Peds
Integrated Approach Centralizes Reporting for a Combined Residency Program

Patient discussion about evaluation

Q. What does an autism evaluation consist of? How long does it take? My two year old is getting evaluated for autism and I want to know what to expect. He is already in speech therapy. His speech therapist said she sees no signs of autism but I still want him tested just to be sure.

A. Hi Hun. my twin son Thomas was 3 when he was taken to an assessment unit it was a 6 week look at him and how he was and acted, within a few sessions he was diagnosed with severe autism, he is nine now and still non verbal and still in nappies, i have to say autism isn't just about the lack of speech its a lot more than this, lack of eye contact , no interest in playing with other children head banging limited diet also can he a factor, Thomas had a speech therapist before he was assest at the “child development center” and even she said she thought he had autism but its not down to them they just pass on to the right people what she seen during the session, age two is very Young to be assest that is why (depending where your from) they like to leave it to three as speech is still developing.

Q. Can someone please explain the reason for juvenile delinquency?

A. Juvenile delinquency is not necessarily a trait of bipolar disorder, although it is possible for a person with bipolar disorder to act on impulse while experiencing an episode. To use Justins example, shop lifting, an adult in a manic episode may spend all of their money without thought or reason, where a child/youth may not have money to spend which may lead to shop lifting. In a manic episode Justin is right the lines between right and wrong can be blurred, thus the person suffering may make poor decisions and can find themselves in trouble with the law.

Evaluations Uci

Q. Are Bipolar disorder and alcoholism related to each other? I need to know this.

A. People with bipolar disorder have a higher risk of becoming dependant on alcohol or drugs. It is called self medicating. Usually this behavior begins before there is a diagnosis or if diagnosed and being treated the treatment is not working properly. The substance offers the person a 'mental break' the problem is this break is temperary because alcohol is a depressant so only for a little while is their any relief and then the depression worsens. It becomes a nasty cycle. If you or someone you know is self medicating and is being treated for bipolar disorder I would suggest going to the doctors and talking about your/their adictions and deside with a professional if the medications currently being taken are effective. From there hopefully the need for alcohol or drugs will lessen, then it is an issue of making a decision to stop all together.
More discussions about evaluation


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