More Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures

Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy has been taken from prophets and given to fools and children (Bab. Baba Bathra 12b). The Jewish rejection of the Apocrypha as Scripture can also be seen at a meeting of Jewish scholars in Jamnia (90 AD). The apocrypha is just one aspect of that study (see specifically the last section of that article). The main point to remember (as discussed in our article about the preservation of the Bible) is that the books of the Bible which we have, and which we all agree are from God, promise that God intended for the Bible to completely reveal His will.


In January I submitted the completed manuscript of New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures volume 2 to the publisher, Eerdmans. I was soon informed that the volume was too large. The first volume is around 600 pages; the second is close to 700. Eerdmans want some uniformity to the series and asked to reduce the book by 100 pages. As a consolation, they promised that the excised material could appear in a third volume. Additional volumes were always a possibility but were contingent on the success of the first two. Eerdmans seems to be confident enough in the series for it to continue.

But what texts do I cut? Some of our contributors are in the early stages of their careers; it is far more important for their work to be published sooner rather than later. Several of us with multiple texts in the volume volunteered to hold off on some of our work and a few other contributors agreed to wait for volume 3. But I don’t want people to wait long, so I spent the past few weeks working with our past contributors to put together a preliminary list of texts to fill the third volume. This is what we came up with:

The Apocryphon of Jesus’ Baptism (Ostracon Aberdeen 25)
The Acts of Andrew and Paul
The Acts of Andrew and Philemon
The Acts of John by Prochorus
The Acts of John in the City of Rome
The Acts of Mark
The Acts of Peter in the City of Rome
The Decapitation of John the Forerunner
The Dialogue of Jesus with the Devil
The Dialogue of Mary and Christ on the Departure of the Soul
The Dream of Nero
The Dream of the Rood
The Encomium of Barnabas by Alexander Monachos
The Epistle of James to Quadratus
The Epistles of Ignatius to John and the Virgin Mary
The Epistles of Longinus, Augustus, Ursinus, and Patrophilus
The Gospel of the Twelve
The Hospitality and Perfume of the Bandit
John and Cerinthus (Irenaeus, Haer. 3.3.4; Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 3.28)
Latin Lives of Mary Magdalene
The Martyrdom of Zechariah
Excerpts from the Miracles of Jesus
On the Star by Pseudo-Eusebius of Caesarea
The Preaching of Philip
The Preaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
The Questions of John
The Revelation of Matthew about the End Times
The Revelation of the Lord’s Prayer
The Vision of Theophilus

As with volume 2, the line-up could, and likely will, change before publication. But if it’s any comfort, there are still plenty of other texts that can fill in the gaps if any cancellations occur. I am grateful to Eerdmans for committing to a third volume and to the contributors for their continued involvement in the series.

More Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures John Hagee

Compilation of little-known and never-before-published apocryphal Christian texts in English translation

More Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures Study

This anthology of ancient nonbiblical Christian literature presents introductions to and translations of little-known apocryphal texts from a wide variety of genres, most of which have never before been translated into any modern language.

An introduction to the volume as a whole addresses the most significant features of the included writings and contextualizes them within the contemporary (quickly evolving) study of the Christian Apocrypha. The body of the book comprises thirty texts that have been carefully introduced, annotated, and translated into readable English by eminent scholars. Ranging from the second century to early in the second millennium, these fascinating texts provide a more complete picture of Christian thought and expression than canonical texts alone can offer.

For ordering information, visit Eerdmans.

PREVIEW (introduction and front matter)


More Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures King James Version

1. Gospels and Related Traditions of New Testament Figures
The Legend of Aphroditianus (Katharina Heyden)
The Revelation of the Magi (Brent Landau)
The Hospitality of Dysmas (Mark Bilby)
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Syriac) (Tony Burke)
On the Priesthood of Jesus (Bill Adler)
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 210 (Brent Landau)
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 5072 (Ross P. Ponder)
The Dialogue of the Paralytic with Christ (Bradley N. Rice)
The Toledot Yeshu (Stanley Jones)
The Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon (Alin Suciu)
The Discourse of the Savior and the Dance of the Savior (Paul C. Dilley)
An Encomium on Mary Magdalene (Christine Luckritz Marquis)
An Encomium on John the Baptist (Philip L. Tite)
The Life of John the Baptist by Serapion (Slavomír Céplö)
Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist (Andrew Bernhard)
The Legend of the Thirty Silver Pieces (Tony Burke and Slavomír Céplö)
The Death of Judas according to Papias (Geoffrey S. Smith)

More Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures Fulfilled

2. Apocryphal Acts and Related Traditions
The Acts of Barnabas (Glenn E. Snyder)
The Acts of Cornelius the Centurion (Tony Burke and Witold Witakowski)
John and the Robber (Rick Brannan)
The History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles (Stanley Jones)
The Acts of Timothy (Cavan Concannon)
The Acts of Titus (Richard Pervo)
The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena (David Eastman)


3. Epistles
The Epistle of Christ from Heaven (Calogero A. Miceli)
The Letter of Ps.-Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy on the Death of Peter and Paul (David Eastman)


4. Apocalypses
The (Latin) Revelation of John about Antichrist (Charles Wright)
The Apocalypse of the Virgin (Stephen Shoemaker)
The Tiburtine Sibyl (Stephen Shoemaker)
The Investiture of Abbaton (Alin Suciu and Ibrahim Saweros)