Spiderman 3 Editor's Cut Download

Spider-Man 3 - Editor's Cut Temporarily Available

  1. Spider Man 3 Extended Cut
  2. Spider Man 3 Editor's Cut
  3. Spider Man 3 1

New Cut of the Movie Offline Again

It all seems a little unusual, no doubt. The comic character Spider-Man in Sam Raimi's trilogy perfectly illustrated at the beginning of the new millennium that movie versions of comic books can handle a serious approach quite well. Marvel had noticed that as well because they started their Marvel Universe step by step a few years later.

Even though the box office result of Spider-Man 3 was reasonable, not all fans were satisfied contentwise. That being said, it might be interesting that a new cut was available as digital download on Amazon.com for a little while. The new cut is called Editor's Cut which does not exactly imply alterations following Sam Raimi's instructions. Maybe, it was released simply too early which would also explain why Amazon does not offer it anymore.

It seems weird because a Spider-Man reboot consisting of two installments (The Amazing Spider-Man & The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Rise of Electro) has been released in the meantime. In addition to that, Spider-Man has become also become a sidekick of The Avengers. Not to mention the latest Spider-Man movie (Spider-Man - Homecoming). All that makes another cut of the 2007 movie a footnote at best. However, it is very likely that the Spider-Man 3 Editor's Cut will be part of the upcoming Blu-ray box that will be released on 06/13/2017 in the US.

Release: Jun 06, 2017 - Author: Mike Lowrey - Translator: Tony Montana

I would like it if you made a retrospective audio commentary for the Spider-Man 3: Editor's Cut, talking about your experiences editing the theatrical version, the studio mandating, and your goals behind this new cut. 'There was no time. The new version barely came together in time for the release date.' A Spider-Man 3 editor's cut hit Amazon this weekend, but it was immediately pulled from the streaming service. Find out why, and when you can see it again. Spiderman 3 PC Game Free Download Overview: The storyline and theme of this amazing Spider-Man 3 PC game is indeed marvelous. A new murderous gang known as the H-Bombers have blown the white house. And is a big threat to the country. The characters and protagonists of Spider Man 3 PC Game free download are similar to the Spider-Man 3 movie. Spider Man 3 Editors Cut Movie Was In Its available to rent and buy on Amazon Video, but Sony hasnt come out with any press release confirming it being on the new Spider-Man Trilogy Blu-Ray Digibook coming in two weeks. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot. In 2017, in anticipation for Spider-Man: Homecoming, Sony released an 'Editor's Cut' of Spider-Man 3. This cut mostly utilizes an unused score, alternate edits of scenes, a restructured story, and scenes both added and removed throughout. With all of these changes, this version runs 2 minutes shorter than the theatrical version.

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Spider-Man 3: Friendly Neighborhood Re-Cut

Spider-Man 3 isn’t bad. At least, it isn’t all bad. Spider-Man 3: Friendly Neighborhood Re-Cut is my fan attempt at re-editing Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3 to make the movie more closely match the rest of it’s trilogy in theme, feeling, and tone. My edit also re-shapes Parker’s character and interactions in the film to make him more closely relate to the Parker we love. (Long story short, he’s not a dick anymore.)

Spider Man 3 Extended Cut


(and hey, if someone wouldn’t mind getting a torrent started, let me know, and I’ll add it’s link to this post.)

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Major changes (spoilers follow):

  • Spider-Man is back to being your Friendly Neighborhood hero. Yes, he still has mood swings here and there, mostly from the symbiote, but he isn’t a jerk for no reason anymore. And he certainly doesn’t hit Mary Jane.
  • No more Gwen Stacy story, and no more love triangles. (In fact, between Peter, Harry, M.J., Eddie, and Gwen, it was a love pentagon.) I realize that Peter has had many relationships in the original 616 canon, but he’s most enjoyable when he’s not being a terrible relationship partner.
  • No more Jazzy evil Spidey.
  • Run-time significantly cut. Certain scenes run too long, and drag on the parts we don’t need. As such, scenes have been edited for speed and flow where appropriate.
  • Spider-Man no longer is portrayed as having killed the robber from Spider-Man 1. Although we all saw that he didn’t kill that man, for some reason, 3 features Parker having flash backs edited to imply that he did. Weird and un-needed.

Important changes (spoilers to my re-cut follow):

  • Cringe-worthy quips removed. Spider-Man is supposed to make jokes, but a lot of lines in this movie, be they from Spider-Man or even Venom, are terrible and out of context. Venom shouldn’t make Eric Foreman style one-off’s before he kills someone.
  • On that note, as much of Eddie Brock being Eric Foreman removed as possible. It doesn’t feel in character for Eddie to be oddly whiney, or to be constantly trying to smooth-talk others. His portrayal in 3 also makes Eddie come off particularly gross to women. (Not in a Dolores Umbridge love-to-hate kinda way, but in a “Ew I don’t want to see this” kinda way.)
  • Updated intro graphic. Spider-Man 3 had the Marvel intro, but it was the older one.
  • Large portions of Sandman cut. We’re shown his motivation almost literally 590 times. I cut it down to 3. Many of his lines are also delivered very strangely, so these were removed for quality.
  • Venom’s screech is now a howl. For some reason, Venom sounds like Yoshi in the original.
  • Shots of Eddie Brock in Venom but with mask off are reduced to a minimum. Why.
  • Harry’s deus ex machina butler is removed. Butler, who are you. Where were you in 2. Stop it.
  • Cheesy sound effects / visual effects removed where possible. The movie’s still a bit dated, but less so.
  • Many tiny other things. Spider-Man doesn’t say “Shazam” anymore.

Spider Man 3 Editor's Cut

Small but important changes (big spoilers to re-cut follow. I recommend not reading these until after watching the re-cut, but hey, I’m not your Mom.):

Spider Man 3 1

  • Spider-Man doesn’t blow up Harry-Goblin’s face anymore. That’s his own fault now.
  • Ending changed! No more super sad bum out.
  • After-credits scene! It’s a Marvel movie, after all.